Remodel and Addition

Kemeny Recreation Center

Project Challenge

The original Recreation Center, in anticipation of demolition, had been closed without power for several years. The building had been vandalized, all of the wiring and metals scrapped and there was over six feet of water in the basement, along with flooding throughout the first floor.

Kemeny Recreation Center is considered the hub of the Boynton Neighborhood, the southern-most part of Detroit. Located at Fort Street and Schaefer, the 21,000 sf center and surrounding park provided the neighborhood abundant recreation and learning opportunities as well as a community gathering space.

Ground was broken for the $9.5 million project, with a portion of the funds donated by neighboring Marathon Petroleum. The project included an addition of nearly 10,000 sf, renovation and adaptive reuse of the existing structure, expanded parking lot, and park improvements.

The original gymnasium was converted to a sports hall for dance, martial arts, and other group activities. The original pool was infilled to create the banquet room, kitchen, art room, library, and technology center. The remaining area was renovated for a senior activity room, fitness room, and offices. The addition contains a high school sized gymnasium and locker rooms. Beyond the architectural features, all building systems were replaced.

Now completed, Kemeny is positioned to serve the community for future generations.

Client: City of Detroit | Detroit Building Authority

Project: Kemeny Recreation Center

Location: Detroit, Michigan

Cost: $9,000,000

Square Footage: Remodel 18,500 SF | Addition 9,822 SF

Architect: Ehresman Architects

Civil: Spalding DeDecker

Structural: IMEG (formerly Desai Nasr Consulting Engineer)

Mechanical/Electrical: MA Engineering

Construction Manager: KEO & Associates, Inc.